Policy Press

Class and classism

As part of an intersectional approach, the role of class in perpetuating social inequality is a vital area of study and self-reflection.

Recognised the importance of listening to different voices, the books here address key issues, including social inequality in academia and the unequal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Showing 85-96 of 249 items.

Living Wages and the Welfare State

The Anglo-American Social Model in Transition

Addressing the rapidly shifting politics of the minimum wage in six English-speaking countries, Shaun Wilson analyses minimum wage policies within a political-economy narrative. Topical and poignant, this book identifies the success of living wage campaigns as central to both welfare state change and alternatives to the Basic Income.

Policy Press

Participatory Ideology

From Exclusion to Involvement

This book examines for the first time the exclusionary nature of prevailing political ideologies. Bringing together theory, practice and the relationship between participation, political ideology and social welfare, it offers a detailed critique of how the crucial move to more participatory approaches may be achieved.

Policy Press

Financial Inclusion

Critique and Alternatives

Rajiv Prabhakar brings together the typically exclusive views of supporters and critics to present a nuanced, critical analysis of ‘financial inclusion’. Addressing issues including the ‘poverty premium’, financial capability and housing, this dialogue advances crucial public, academic and policy debates and proposes alternative paths forward.

Policy Press

Austerity, Women and the Role of the State

Lived Experiences of the Crisis

Delivering a timely account of the misconceptions of policies, discourses and representations around austerity in the UK, Dabrowski illustrates the complex ways through which austerity is experienced by women in their everyday lives.

Bristol Uni Press

Social Problems in the Age of COVID-19 Vol 2

Global Perspectives

Published with SSSP, this book addresses the greatest social challenges facing the world as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors propose public policy solutions to help refugees, migrant workers, victims of human trafficking, indigenous populations and the invisible poor of the Global South.

Policy Press

Local Authorities and the Social Determinants of Health

Edited by Adrian Bonner

This crucial contemporary study reviews the evolving role of local authorities in health, social care and wellbeing. Health and policy experts survey disparities across Britain, share case studies of strategies and consider authorities’ interaction with local and central government.

Policy Press

Austerity, Welfare and Work

Exploring Politics, Geographies and Inequalities

The impacts of austerity and welfare reform on work and employment relations are explored in this perceptive assessment. This book highlights the role of trade unions and social movements in challenging the insecurities and inequalities imposed by work-focused welfare policies such as Universal Credit and proposes progressive new paths for welfare.

Policy Press

Poverty in Education Across the UK

A Comparative Analysis of Policy and Place

The nuanced interconnections of poverty and educational attainment across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are explored in this unique analysis. Experts investigate how different educational structures and policies affect teachers’ engagement with marginalised groups and consider how inequalities might be reduced.

Policy Press

Poverty in Italy

Features and Drivers in a European Perspective

Three leading sociologists examine Italy’s regime of poverty and the frequently misunderstood context of familialism in this in-depth study. With analysis of poverty’s roots and development and modern trends including the migrant ‘new poor’, it adds European perspectives for a better understanding of a persistent crisis.

Policy Press

Social Problems in the Age of COVID-19 Vol 1

US Perspectives

This book provides accessible insights into pressing social problems in the United States in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and proposes public policy responses for victims and justice, precarious populations, employment dilemmas and health and well-being.

Policy Press

Race, Taste, Class and Cars

Cars transmit and modify our identities behind the wheel. As a symbol of independence and freedom, the car projects status, class, taste and, significantly, embeds racialisation. Using fascinating research from drivers, Alam unpicks the ways in which our identity is enhanced and driven.

Policy Press

The Other America

White Working Class Perspectives on Race, Identity and Change

Challenging populist views about the white working class in the US, this book showcases what they really think about the defining issues in today’s America. As the 2020 presidential elections draw near, this is an invaluable insight into the complex views on 2016 election candidates, race, identity and cross-racial connections.

Policy Press