Policy Press

In the media

‘With his Poll Ratings Sinking, Sunak Goes For One More Attempt at Scapegoating the Vulnerable: The “Skivers” Revisited’

Byline Times

The Prime Minister is clearly grasping at straws. What’s less clear is whether Labour will finally commit to abolishing cruel and unnecessary policies like the two-child limit if the party forms the next government. If nothing else, Rishi Sunak has thrown down a gauntlet.

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How much do we really know about the Cleveland Child Abuse Scandal?

Social Work News

Ask young social workers, doctors and police officers whether they’ve heard of the Cleveland crisis in the 1980s and most will probably say ‘hmmm…doctors saw sexual abuse everywhere… and took kids from their parents… false diagnoses…?

Everything about that is wrong. There was a scandal, but not the one we thought it was.

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'FALL OF THE MINIONS AI ‘minions’ like ChatGPT are eating themselves like ‘carnivorous snakes’ in eerie ‘deterioration’ phenomenon'

The Sun

AI algorithms like those used by ChatGPT models learn from content on the internet.

As AI produces more content that's on the internet, Kowalkiewicz warned that bots will start learning from themselves.

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UK spends more financing inequality in favour of rich than rest of Europe, report finds

The Guardian

“In Britain, child poverty has doubled in 40 years. Yet few modern tycoons go without private jets, luxury yachts, even private islands.”

Lansley blames the way the gains from growth have been increasingly colonised by a small group of financial and business magnates – a process he says is facilitated by state policy.

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How the world might look if animals had legal rights

The Conversation

Let’s picture what our societies might look like if animals were granted rights against being killed, made to suffer or exploited for human gain.

When activists argue for animal rights, they ask us to imagine a different world. First, we need to understand how our lives are shaped by animals’ lack of rights.

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Let’s prioritise children over Help the Aged

The Times

With falling birth rates and people living longer, eventually we’re going to run out of workers

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Will the IOC Do Anything About the Killing of Palestinian Athletes?

The Nation

“The double standards are glaring. Why has the IOC been so conspicuously silent about Israel compared to Russia? If taking over sports facilities are a red line, why silence as Israel converts Gaza’s historic Yarmouk football stadium into an internment camp? The inconsistencies are glaring, to say the least.”

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Britain’s richest 10% don’t think they’re wealthy – and that’s disastrous in the fight against inequality

The Guardian

But the fact remains that many in the top 10% of earners – those on £59,200 and above – do not feel rich, and that has major societal consequences.

First, the feelings of this group matter because they are simply more likely to vote, to trust in political institutions, and to influence our laws, as the academics Gerry Mitchell and Marcos González Hernando found in their 2023 book about the top 10%, Uncomfortably Off.

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Top 10 Books: International Women’s Day 2024

International Affairs Blog

Four years ago, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson delivered the country’s first lockdown speech, alerting that ‘the coronavirus is the biggest threat that this country has faced in decades’.

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